After Tereia beach, discover hiking in Maupiti on Mount Teurafaatiu! This is the best activity in Maupiti. Head to the top to enjoy an extraordinary view of the lagoon and a breathtaking finale.

Climbing Mount Teurafaatiu: Extraordinary Experience

To reach the top of Mount Teurafaatiu and to come down, it is necessary to count on a walking time of 2h30 (without stops). With more than 360 m of difference in altitude, the excursion is relatively difficult.

This hike in Maupiti is done from the village of Vaiea, on the west coast of the main island. About 200 m north of the town hall, a shaded trail leads quickly to a communication antenna post that you will have to bypass on the left. There, a sign indicates the beginning of the climb.

The ascent has different levels more or less spaced from each other. The first one is easy to reach and gives a beautiful view on the village and the lagoon. Progressively, the path becomes steeper. On the last stretch to the summit, the terrain becomes more vertical. The slope can sometimes be so steep that some rocky passages have to be crossed with the help of ropes.

The view from Mount Teurafaatiu

At the top, the panorama is just fantastic. It is a 360° view on the lagoon, the ocean and the neighboring island of Bora Bora. If the visibility is good, you can see Raiatea and Tahaa. The color gradations are sumptuous and the “postcard” effect is spectacular. Sitting on the rocky pebble of Mount Teurafaatiu, the contemplation of the islands takes all its meaning. Remember to take many pictures before going back down to the village following the same path as on the way out.

Advice Before Hiking in Maupiti

Difficult Last Section

If the ascent from the village of Vaiea remains on the whole relatively accessible, the last third with ropes is much more problematic. Some passages are very steep and quite technical. The route to the summit is not for children under 10 years old. Still on this last third, people prone to vertigo may have difficulties to continue the ascent, or even to come down afterwards. Finally, the summit is quite windy and not safe.

A normal physical condition is required. It is also necessary to have good walking shoes. Nevertheless, the youngest or less athletic hikers can still enjoy a magnificent view at the first, more accessible level.

Considering Weather Conditions for Hiking in Maupiti

Before hiking in Maupiti, keep in mind that hot temperatures are often more challenging than the actual walking. In other words, travelers must learn to live with the time and pace of Polynesia. Between May and August, the sun rises around 5:30 am. Start excursions as early as 6am. You will benefit from the morning freshness and a purer light because it is less crowded. Your photos will be more beautiful and you will be alone at the top.

A view on the Maupiti lagoonPonton de la pension Tautiare Village Maupiti” par peterfatson is under license CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The heat rises very quickly starting at 8am. Bring enough water for each person, cover your head and don’t forget the sun protection. A small snack will also be welcome.

If it is raining or if it has rained during the night, do not go hiking. The ground would be slippery and the undertaking would become too dangerous. In any case, ask your hosts in the hotels in Maupiti.

Complementary Alternative: Tour the Island

Along the coastal road, hiking in Maupiti becomes a peaceful experience to meet Maupiti and its inhabitants. A few hours are enough. This crossing will be the occasion to discover some curiosities like the strange Sea Palace, a house covered with coral and shells. On the south coast, visit the remains of the Vaiahu marae. Here several ancient kings were crowned. The remnant of the royal stone throne is still visible.

During the tour, you can go with breaks for swimming, eating or contemplation. Along the way, drinking water fountains are placed at regular intervals. This hike is both an excellent alternative and a complement to the climb to Mount Teurafaatiu. If you feel like it, you can also cycle around the island.

Want to Climb Mountains?

Equally extraordinary panoramas await you on Moorea and Bora Bora. Contact us to discover our personalized advices and our selected itineraries in French Polynesia.